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Rollformed Products

Croydon Industries carries ex-stock, a range of standard rollformed products, manufactured in various sizes, materials and gauges.

Photo: Roof Plant Room Duct Delivery to 100 Mount St, North Sydney. Credit: Stuart Fox, Site Supervisor

Some of our Rollformed Products include

  • Flat Slide, cut to length or in standard 3m lengths
  • Re-inforced Drive Cleat (RDC), cut to length or in standard 3m lengths
  • Insulation retaining channels (Nosings) in various sizes and lengths
  • Retaining corner angles in various sizes and lengths
  • Turning Vanes in various sizes and lengths
  • Plinth surrounds

25mm internal lagging channel made in 2400mm lengths

40mm internal lagging channel made in 2400mm lengths

50mm internal lagging channel made in 2400mm lengths

75mm internal lagging channel made in 2400mm lengths

38mm x 38mm internal lagging angle made in 2400mm lengths

flat drive slide profile made in 3 meter lengths

Key Benefits to Rollforming

  • Very cost effective
  • When products have a constant cross-section, higher volumes than stamping are produced
  • Tooling is extremely cost effective as compared to stamping depending on product complexity
  • Many processes can be combined into one operation.